When you listen to my interviews, speeches and classes on the subject of female psychology, you will start to make connections for yourself and gain insight into the greatest challenges and opportunities you currently face as a woman.

It is through sharing stories, learning from role models and finding resonant mentors that we as women come to know ourselves more deeply, feel less alone with our experiences and more connected to other women who are navigating similar terrain.

As a heartfelt speaker and teacher, my role is to educate, inspire and uplift you as well as other girls and women across the globe.

It all starts with talking–being brave enough to give language to the real, the raw and the beautiful–and that is what I am committed to bringing in my speaking and teaching: Authenticity. Honesty. Expertise. Example.

I speak and teach
in the following contexts:

  • As a guest on other people’s podcasts and shows
  • On Women Today, the podcast I host and curate
  • Inside of pre-established businesses, communities, memberships and organizations
  • At events related to women’s issues, leadership psychology and personal growth

Emma is one of the most incredible teachers I’ve ever met.

What I love most about her is her presence. She’s able to sink right into the heart of the matter in order to understand the root causes of the struggles women face.

She has access to wisdom that flows through at just the right moments. Her mastery of language also makes teaching a gift.

Kelly Anderson
Physician, Assistant Professor & Mother
Ontario, Canada

Every class I’ve taken with Emma feels like a gift.

Emma has an incredible way of helping people figure out exactly what their hearts and souls desire and she has a beautiful and skillful way of guiding people to exactly where they need to go.

I leave every class with Emma feeling inspired, empowered and more whole.

Meghan Daly
Physician & Mother
Ontario, Canada

Emma’s class on confidence was life changing for me.

It was psychology, self-help, women’s studies and so much more! Emma teaches with a spiritual depth and a feminine strength.

She gave me a new way of looking at confidence in a much more holistic and soulful way. Now, when I start second guessing myself and I feel like I’m losing confidence, I envision Emma and everything I learned.

Her teaching style is transparent, accessible and grants so much permission for every woman to be exactly where they are on their journey.

Variny Yim
Author, Consultant & Mother
Richmond, California

Before studying with Emma, I never had true confidence in myself.

This lack of belief in myself had caused so much pain and harm over the years.
Through learning with Emma, I experienced results and changes in my life just after the first class. Emma’s teaching style and the model that she led us through has the power to help anybody no matter who you are or what you do.

I feel like I finally learned how to own myself, the decisions I make and my inherent self worth. I stopped feeling guilty about believing in myself and no longer hold back on things that help me to get even more empowered. I have started to embrace change without fear for the first time in my life. I’ve released so much from the past and feel much more free.

After finishing the program with Emma I feel like a completely different person. I feel empowered. I feel fearless and as if I can take on the world. I now truly believe that if I put my mind to it, I can achieve anything.

Ginger Taylor
Dance Teacher & Mother
San Angelo,Texas

Emma’s support is absolutely indispensable, invaluable, and transformative for me.

Her approach is so gentle and loving, and yet she has an ability to cut through all of the “fluff” with her crystal clear insight. I’m equally impressed with her depth of knowledge and the un-trainable intuitive gifts she brings to the table. I always leave Emma’s presence feeling like a deeper, truer version of myself. Thank you, Emma!”

Hannah Williams
Online Business Strategist & Coach
New York, New York

If you would like to invite Emma to be a guest teacher or speaker please
submit your inquiry and the details of the opportunity below:

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