My Writing
As we come to know ourselves we need both introspection and reflection.
Sometimes that reflection is from another human, but it can also come from the words we hear and see. For me, words, the spoken, the read, the written, have always been a powerful and primary companion.
- I write to make sense of this human life.
- I write to capture the fleeting, the poignant, the petty.
- I write to get to know myself.
- I write to connect with you.
- I write to integrate, to learn to process.
- I write to inspire both myself and others.
- I write because I must.
May you find something resonant, reflective & revelatory for you as you keep walking the path.

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Why I Cried Filling Out My Ballot This Year
It was a grey and rainy morning in Colorado the day after #45 was elected president to the United States of America in 2016. The weather could not have been more fitting for how I felt inside. Grief stricken. Angry. At a loss. I felt as if I had been run over by a 10,000 […]

How to Clarify Your Values, Get In Alignment
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